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Text: Amazing
I wanted to let you go.
I sincerely tried not to think of you, not to miss you, not to think of you, not to think of you. 

Whenever I enter an elevator with a mirror, I look at myself, then turn and count how many floors there are. I turn back to find myself tear up and that is because I'm not in New York City. 
I think of you every day, every day, every day.

Because I miss the city always. And I told myself to stop writing these letters but I don't know how to stop myself and it's like your mailbox is my diary. Please forgive. 
I sometimes fear that I'm going to lose my mind over you.

I do not love you because there is no love for you, only love for the city.
No, that is not true, I love you because you are in the city.  

Not even that, I love you because you are.

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