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Let it go.

Text: ZitterArt

Day to day life. Restrictions. Rules. Society. You have to. You must not. I cannot. I would like to/ wish I could, I hope for…. When I achieved this, then my life will be fine. If I can.


We are trained. Trained to wait, trained to work, trained to dream and to hope for the point in our life, when everything will work out. Wait for the right time. Wait for the perfect moment. Not now. Not yet, because… We come up with reasons why things cannot happen. Must not. Strictly. Going forward. Education, training, stable job, nine to five, making money, having no time to spend it, save it. For later. Save the best for later. But don’t forget to appreciate.

The rules of my society are strict. They tell me what to do, how and when and why. I need a reason for everything. Stuck in certainties. Put myself into a golden, save, velvet cage. Life can wait. Has to. Save the best for later.

But the rules of this society are not my rules anymore. Maybe have never been. Will never be. I don’t want to live your life, your expectations. They make me sick, but worse, moreover they make me unhappy and numb. They force me to let go of opportunities. I could die tomorrow and then? The savings on my bank account, the paper certificates from universities on my wall, the invitation for a job interview, the wishes and hopes don’t count anymore. They are worthless. Flowers are worthless if you don’t dare to look at them. They don’t exist if you don’t realize. Dreams are made for coming true, hopes can turn into fears when you wait for forty years to get there, because you don’t dare. We don’t dare anymore. Every uncertanty is perceived as a risk. For me it is a risk not to live my life. The way I want it to be. It’s not a risk because I know I am happy, now. Not eventually when I am old. Not when I hop every morning in my Mercedes Benz at 8:30 to get to my job. Not when I am able to pay for a two week holiday once a year in a five star resort sommewhere in the Carribean.

Don’t tell me how I have to life my live. It is mine. These opportunities are my flowers, they pop up in front of me, in front of my nose, on my forehead, everyday in the most beautiful colours. You don’t see them because you just think, and therefor, see in black and white. Get the colours back into your focus. Pick the flower. And don’t be jealous if you see me picking one after another just because you confine yourself.

Let it go. Let go of certanties, let go of rules, let go of what your society wants you to do, hold your breath, count to ten, struggle, fall shattered on the floor, break your backbone if you have to, and then be the Phoenix that rises out of the ashes. And be alive. Burn your life as you know it and go wherever you want to. Just leave. Leave your house and your comfort zone, take time to feel something different. Don’t do it whenever, do it now. Decide something too fast and just head off, be open, be really open, meet people in a coffee shop or a bar and let it happen that they teach you and actually become your next closest friends. For five minutes, or a lifetime. Open yourself, throw yourself out there to give other the comfort to open up as well. Inspire. Run. Laugh. Love. Love everybody and your life. Love love. Fall in love and get your heart broken. Over and over again and realize, nothing is over. It goes on. Increase the pace and find your rhythm.

Let it be possible that other call you egoistic. Arrogant. Dumb. Risky. Irresponsible. Crazy. Mad. Nuts. Forget the past, ignore the future, stay awake and be here. Now. In this moment.. Let it go and just be. Allow yourself to be who you are, who you want to be, become a better version of yourself.
Stay up or stay in bed. But start to give a fuck. It is your life. And the art is to realize that you can be happy now. It is a choice, it is your choice and you are the only one who throws the stones in your way.

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